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Marc Secchia

author : Marc Secchia

Marc's the bestselling author of over two dozen fantasy books. Set in unforgettable fantasy worlds, his works explore themes of coming of age, diversity, racism, bullying and disability - for example, The Pygmy Dragon deals with race, bullying and heightism, The Dragon Librarian features a blind main character, Shioni of Sheba explores African Fantasy, and The Horse Dreamer features a double amputee main character.\n\nHe loves bringing complex themes and characters to life, and entertaining the reader with innovative, unusual uses of language. If you're a word nut who likes a literary Dragon to stir your coffee - look no further! \n\nThe Dragon Librarian won gold for fantasy in the 2019 ELIT book award. Dragonfriend won a Gold Award for Fantasy in the 2016 IPPY Book Awards.

Marc Secchia Book Series