Marc Secchia
author : Marc Secchia
Marc's the bestselling author of over two dozen fantasy books. Set in unforgettable fantasy worlds, his works explore themes of coming of age, diversity, racism, bullying and disability - for example, The Pygmy Dragon deals with race, bullying and heightism, The Dragon Librarian features a blind main character, Shioni of Sheba explores African Fantasy, and The Horse Dreamer features a double amputee main character.\n\nHe loves bringing complex themes and characters to life, and entertaining the reader with innovative, unusual uses of language. If you're a word nut who likes a literary Dragon to stir your coffee - look no further! \n\nThe Dragon Librarian won gold for fantasy in the 2019 ELIT book award. Dragonfriend won a Gold Award for Fantasy in the 2016 IPPY Book Awards.
Marc Secchia Book Series
Resurrection Dawn
Chaos Shifter
Beautiful Fury
A Hatchling for Springtide (Santaclaws Book 2)
I am Dragon (Dragon Fires Rising Book 2)
Shadow Dragon
The Sacred Lake (Shioni of Sheba Book 4)
Song of the Storm Dragon
Dragon Thief
The Horse Dreamer (Equinox Cycle Book 1)
The Pygmy Dragon
The Fiuri Realms (Shioni of Sheba Book 5)
Whisper Alive
Dragonstar (Dragonfriend Book 4)
The Legend of El Shashi
The Onyx Dragon
The Horse Dreamer
The Mad Giant (Shioni of Sheba Book 3)
The Enchanted Castle (Shioni of Sheba Book 1)